Friday, July 25, 2014

Day Three: Words Every Girl Should Hear

Seriously... I think this video should be a requirement for all girls. 
Simple truths + a few jokes = golden wisdom :)

"10 Ways to Get the Right Guy to Like You" 
Blimey Cow

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day Two: Love it or Leave it

Not sure where this is from/who said this, but it definitely took me by surprise when I read it on pinterest. What do you think? True or not?

Monday, July 21, 2014

Day One: You Are Worth Love

Welcome to One Single Saga (or OSS as I affectionately call it sometimes). This is the story of me, an anonymous, single, Christian, 20-something girl with a heart that sometimes longs for my own perfect Mr. Darcy (he's a lot better than Prince Charming in my opinion) but most of the time just longs for a life that's full of contentment, whether that means I'm content in a relationship or I'm content as a single lady. Hopefully this blog is an encouragement to you, because that's really why I'm writing it. Feel free to comment on anything you think I've left out, or add your two-cents, or ask questions? Singleness and contentment is something that I've spent a lot of time pondering and I love a good discussion on the topic :) 

So... here we go....

 “There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the essence of beauty”

 – Steve Maraboli

Body image is one of my least favorite things to talk about... but I figured seeing as this blog is all about embracing singleness and the woman God meant you to be, then I should maybe add my two cents.

With great beauty comes great love… at least that’s what they tell us. Case in point: Taylor Swift (I mean how many guys can a girl date?!). So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that sometimes being single can shake a girl’s view of herself, in particular her looks. But I want to take this short little chapter to remind you: You Are Worth Love. Why? Not because you’re beautiful (which I firmly believe you are) but because God said so, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t often like to get into arguments with the Creator of the universe. 

I’d like to think that I’m a fairly confident person, but every once in a while a little voice sneaks into my head and tells me: “No wonder you haven’t found anyone, you aren’t pretty enough.” Now I’d also like to say that I’m confident enough to ignore that little voice, but if I’m being honest (which I guess is the whole point of blogging), sometimes I can’t help but feel like that those words have some truth to them. With a world that is telling me that my hair has to be this way (straight, obviously), my face has to look another way (with make-up of course, which I am usually too lazy to use) and my body has to be this way (dang, my arms are skinny), it’s easy to not feel beautiful 100% of the time. And without beauty how am I supposed to get the guy? 

This is a myth. A complete and utter myth. Actually, it’s a lie and a myth.

Lie: you are not beautiful.
This is a lie because you are beautiful. In fact, we all are. Forgive me while I get a little abstract here for a second to prove my point… If you compared beauty to baking cookies, it wouldn’t be use-a-cookie-cutter-so-they-all-look-the-same kind of sugar cookies. It would be the roll-them-in-your-hands-they-come-out-all-looking-different kind of double chocolate chip cookies that never seem to last very long in my house. If that doesn’t make sense to you, then what I’m trying to get across is that beauty doesn’t have a specific definition. 

Being beautiful is not being 110 pounds, it’s not being curvy, it’s not having super long straight hair or a short curly cut; it’s all of the above. So don’t believe this lie. It’s one that we have been fed by hundreds and thousands of people since we came into this world, and it’s one that we need to shake off or we won’t ever be able to look ourselves in the mirror with confidence. Don’t get me wrong, there will be days that you don’t feel beautiful, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful. There’s a difference between feeling and being. Feelings come and go, but belief is rooted in knowledge of something greater: that God made you for a purpose and He made everything about you, right down to your unruly hair and crooked teeth.

Myth: outward beauty gets the guy.
I think that this is an area where we don’t give guys enough credit. We seem to think that guys are only interested in someone with mile long legs, a great tan and a stunning smile, but I know a bunch of guys that would beg to differ. Just like God tells Samuel not to look only at the outward appearance, so too does he call our brothers in Christ to look a little deeper. To put it into a picture, let’s imagine someone gives you a beautifully wrapped gift. Obviously, since the wrapping is so beautiful, the present inside has got to be something stellar. But once you unwrap it all that you find inside is a stinky, dirty sock. Not that girls that meet our world’s idea of “beautiful” are stinky, dirty socks, but if we know that we are looking for a guy that’s both handsome on the outside and handsome on the inside, why is it so hard to believe that guys might have that same standard.

Okay, but let’s get back to the purpose of this post: to remind you that you are worth love. I mentioned earlier the reason why I believe this, because the God of the universe said so, but I didn’t really explain why I believe this. 

I believe this because you and I are the reason that God sent his one and only son down to Earth to die a painful death. C.S. Lewis writes: “He died not for men, but for each man. If each man had been the only man made, he would have done no less.” If the great C.S. Lewis is a believer in this idea, then I think it’s one that I can get behind, especially because it’s an idea that is sprinkled all throughout the Bible. Jesus came and died so that we could have eternal life. He could have just stayed up in heaven, living the good life, but because of his great love for each of us, he decided to take the hard road. And if Jesus thinks we are worth loving, then why should we settle for anyone who believes less than that?